Joey coming to Australia
January 28, 2010
Joey Yung is coming to Australia - Melbourne & Sydney!!

Sydney Autograph session 容祖兒澳洲演唱會2010- 悉尼簽名會
Time 時間:March 25, 2010
Location 地點:Market city (sydney)
Sydney Concert 容祖兒澳洲演唱會2010- 悉尼
Time 時間: March 28, 2010 20:15
Location 地點:Sydney Entertainment center
Tickets 票價: VIP/ $148/$108/$68
Phone number 查詢電話: (02) 9283 6166
Melbourne Concert 容祖兒澳洲演唱會2010- 墨爾本
Time 時間: March 26, 2010 20:15
Location 地點:Hisense Arena
Tickets 票價: VIP/ $139/$99/$69
Phone Number查詢電話: (03) 96623456
My Thoughts:
Great news Joey fans! (though im NOT a Joey fan)
Oh, how i wish Raymond Lam came instead!! So lucky that Sydney gets an autograph session and a concert while Melbourne only has a concert.
Hhmn..Market City, not sure. I may or may not go...since im not a fan of her but i'll see since i know where Market City is! ;]
But i wont go to her concert. I shall save my money for Raymond's concert...IF he does come!

Sydney Autograph session 容祖兒澳洲演唱會2010- 悉尼簽名會
Time 時間:March 25, 2010
Location 地點:Market city (sydney)
Sydney Concert 容祖兒澳洲演唱會2010- 悉尼
Time 時間: March 28, 2010 20:15
Location 地點:Sydney Entertainment center
Tickets 票價: VIP/ $148/$108/$68
Phone number 查詢電話: (02) 9283 6166
Melbourne Concert 容祖兒澳洲演唱會2010- 墨爾本
Time 時間: March 26, 2010 20:15
Location 地點:Hisense Arena
Tickets 票價: VIP/ $139/$99/$69
Phone Number查詢電話: (03) 96623456
My Thoughts:
Great news Joey fans! (though im NOT a Joey fan)
Oh, how i wish Raymond Lam came instead!! So lucky that Sydney gets an autograph session and a concert while Melbourne only has a concert.
Hhmn..Market City, not sure. I may or may not go...since im not a fan of her but i'll see since i know where Market City is! ;]
But i wont go to her concert. I shall save my money for Raymond's concert...IF he does come!